ETF Ukraine Resource Hub for People fleeing the war

People fleeing the war of russia against #Ukraine are facing multiple challenges, while adapting to life in the EU member states:
• Can I continue studies at the European university, if I started studies back in Ukraine?
• I would like to enter a European University. What actions should I take?
• How can I get official recognition of my diploma and qualifications to be able to continue studies or receive a job?
• How to continue school #education in Ukrainian?
• Where can I find resources to learn the language of the country?
• How to find a job? Can I work with my qualifications obtained in Ukraine?
The ETF – European Training Foundation Ukraine Resource Hub has lots of resources to support you in finding the information you need. You also can ask a question related to #studies and #employment in the EU:…/education-and-work…
Situation in Education of Ukraine: challenges, needs and opportunities for cooperation under Erasmus+ – War&E+Opportunities
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